Saturday, July 23, 2005

Hador Garmann

Hador Garmann: Male Fighter 1

Hador Garmann is the son of a simple blacksmith, and though he was apprenticed to his father during his youth, he had neither the aptitude for such toil, nor took pleasure in the craft. The pair took to travelling after the death of his mother (to a mystery illness), and spent a lot of time plying their trade in Brindenford before finally settling at Havengaard. In his thoughts and dreams, young Hador had always been off somewhere - slaying dragons and storming evil strongholds - and seeing the splendour, and the righteousness of the noble knights of his new homeland (and following the call of his heart) he eventually managed to become the young squire of a knight of a lesser house out of own sheer tenacity.

It was during this time that he first beheld Helena, a young girl of a related house to his master, and before long the pair would grow close. When adulthood came the pair openly spoke of their love for one another (much to the displeasure of Helena's father) and after a while the pair were married (as Helena's father's finally submitted to his daughter's desires - though the pair were forever at odds thereafter).

The following year Helena was with child, and Hador was preparing to march with his master against the Orc Barbarians of the black desert, when news came that Helena's father (a captain who had already rode to war) had perished at the hands of the cruel orcs.

It was an ill timed message that was the forerunner of Hador's subsequent woes - as the shock of her father's death was too much for Helena to bear, and the child she was carrying was lost. Out of compassion Hador's master (Lord Morgan) allowed him to stay with his young wife (who was at this time still in a critical condition) instead of accompany him to the war (which he claimed was all but won in any case), and this he did, forsaking his duty for the love of his sick wife.

Shortly after, the war ended (as Lord Morgan had predicted), and Hador and Helena began putting their life back together after their tragic losses - though it would seem that she looked on Hador a little differently now, seeming to hold him responsible for her strained relationship with her father - a thing that she could not now ever put right. Also the life as a wife to a squire was not as comfortable as she had perhaps been used to, and though her father had never cut her off from their family's wealth (despite their relationship), her elder brother (the new lord of the manor) was not so generous.

Over the past year things had become a strained between the pair, and though Hador loved her no less, dark suspicious grew in his mind. Though he hated himself utterly for not trusting his wife, he knew something was wrong, and in the end he found himself spying on his wife and to his dismay discovered that Helena had found love in the arms of another. Utterly devastated at this news, Hador was at a loss, and Helena (upon learning that Hador knew her secret) hurriedly left, leaving nothing behind but a simple goodbye note. It was also Hador's misfortune to stumble upon her new lover that very same night (a rather foppish son of a wealthy lord).

He gave in to his anger and confronted the young man. Seeing Hador, the man turned to flee, but it had been raining heavily that day, and the cobblestones underfoot were slick with moisture, as he turned the man slipped and hit his head heavily upon the hard stone of a courtyard well. Seeing that the man did not move Hador turned and left, caring little for his well-being and instead sought out the local tavern. When morning dawned (and with it a terrible hangover), Hador heard news that the son of Lord Stanedor was found lying dead in a courtyard... Hearing this Hador sunk into the uttermost depths of despair, he told his lord of what had transpired, and though the trials that followed proved him guiltless of the man's death - his morals were called into question... as he had, after all, left the man to die.

After that Hador was dismissed from the service of his lord, and seeing that he has lost everything that he held so dear, he has sought passage on a caravan out of Havengaard - not caring where the road leads him - or to what end...


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