Sunday, December 18, 2005

World of Terris

City/Area info:

Havengaard: Known for it's noble knights and highly trained warriors. The castle is a beacon of hope in the bleak world. However rumors speak of council in fighting and corruption.

Sternfall: A city known for it's strict laws and strong sense of justice. Sternfall was probably the city that suffered the worst aside from the border towns. During the conflict the Halls of Justice, dedicated to the ideals of the Protector, were burned to the ground. As the halls are being rebuilt the judges Protectorate have moved their dealings to Havengaard.

Brindenford: The barter town is full of sturdy people from all over the realm. Its town guard is among the best trained and most versitile since they employ people from all walks of life for different purposes.

Harrindale: A frontier town at the edge of the realm. Harrindale serves as a crossroads and trade town between the dwarves of the mountains, the elves of the forest and the orcs of the black desert. The townsfolk tend to be hardy and ready to defend from a possible scorcher invasion.

Black Desert: Badlands to the west full of barbaric people and twisted life. The black desert gets its name from the ash colored sand that appears black at a distance... the orc Scorchers also get their name from the fact that the sand clouds that trail thier movement looks like billowing ash.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Terris Calendar

13 Months with 28 Days each (364), 7 days a week, 24 hour Days

Moons: Prey, HunterPhases: - ( (] (]+ (+) +[) [) ) -

Spring Dawning
1 (+) (+) Sunday First day of Spring.
2 (+) (+) Windday Fireball.
3 +[) (+) Fireday Eclipse of Hunter.
4 +[) (+) Waterday
5 +[) (+) Earthday
6 +[) (+) Restday
7 [) (+) Soulday
8 [) (+) Sunday Morning star.
9 [) (+) Windday Meteor storm. Aurora.
10 ) (+) Fireday
11 ) (+) Waterday
12 ) (+) Earthday Evening star.
13 ) +[) Restday
14 - +[) Soulday
15 - +[) Sunday
16 - +[) Windday Shooting star.
17 ( +[) Fireday
18 ( +[) Waterday
19 ( +[) Earthday
20 ( +[) Restday Shooting star.
21 (] +[) Soulday Morning star.
22 (] +[) Sunday
23 (] +[) Windday
24 (]+ +[) Fireday
25 (]+ +[) Waterday
26 (]+ +[) Earthday
27 (]+ +[) Restday Morning star.
28 (+) +[) Soulday

1 (+) +[) Sunday
2 (+) +[) Windday
3 +[) +[) Fireday
4 +[) +[) Waterday
5 +[) +[) Earthday Shooting star. Aurora.
6 +[) +[) Restday
7 [) +[) Soulday
8 [) [) Sunday
9 [) [) Windday
10 ) [) Fireday Evening star.
11 ) [) Waterday
12 ) [) Earthday
13 ) [) Restday
14 - [) Soulday
15 - [) Sunday
16 - [) Windday
17 ( [) Fireday
18 ( [) Waterday
19 ( [) Earthday
20 ( [) Restday Fireball.
21 (] [) Soulday
22 (] [) Sunday
23 (] [) Windday
24 (]+ [) Fireday
25 (]+ [) Waterday
26 (]+ [) Earthday Shooting star.
27 (]+ [) Restday
28 (+) [) Soulday
Rain Fell
1 (+) [) Sunday Eclipse of Prey.
2 (+) ) Windday Morning star.
3 +[) ) Fireday
4 +[) ) Waterday
5 +[) ) Earthday Evening star.
6 +[) ) Restday
7 [) ) Soulday
8 [) ) Sunday
9 [) ) Windday Evening star.
10 ) ) Fireday Shooting star.
11 ) ) Waterday
12 ) ) Earthday Prey bites Hunter.
13 ) ) Restday
14 - ) Soulday
15 - ) Sunday
16 - ) Windday
17 ( ) Fireday
18 ( ) Waterday
19 ( ) Earthday
20 ( ) Restday
21 (] ) Soulday
22 (] ) Sunday
23 (] ) Windday
24 (]+ ) Fireday
25 (]+ - Waterday Evening star.
26 (]+ - Earthday
27 (]+ - Restday
28 (+) - Soulday
Warrior's March
1 (+) - Sunday
2 (+) - Windday
3 +[) - Fireday Evening star.
4 +[) - Waterday
5 +[) - Earthday
6 +[) - Restday
7 [) - Soulday
8 [) - Sunday First day of Summer.
9 [) - Windday
10 ) - Fireday
11 ) - Waterday
12 ) - Earthday
13 ) - Restday
14 - - Soulday
15 - - Sunday
16 - - Windday
17 ( - Fireday
18 ( - Waterday Fireball. Evening star.
19 ( - Earthday
20 ( ( Restday Shooting star.
21 (] ( Soulday
22 (] ( Sunday
23 (] ( Windday
24 (]+ ( Fireday
25 (]+ ( Waterday
26 (]+ ( Earthday
27 (]+ ( Restday
28 (+) ( Soulday
High Summer
1 (+) ( Sunday Fireball.
2 (+) ( Windday
3 +[) ( Fireday
4 +[) ( Waterday
5 +[) ( Earthday Aurora.
6 +[) ( Restday
7 [) ( Soulday
8 [) ( Sunday
9 [) ( Windday
10 ) ( Fireday
11 ) ( Waterday
12 ) ( Earthday
13 ) ( Restday Shooting star.
14 - ( Soulday Shooting star.
15 - (] Sunday Shooting star.
16 - (] Windday
17 ( (] Fireday
18 ( (] Waterday
19 ( (] Earthday
20 ( (] Restday
21 (] (] Soulday
22 (] (] Sunday
23 (] (] Windday Morning star.
24 (]+ (] Fireday
25 (]+ (] Waterday
26 (]+ (] Earthday
27 (]+ (] Restday
28 (+) (] Soulday
Warrior's Return
1 (+) (] Sunday
2 (+) (] Windday
3 +[) (] Fireday
4 +[) (] Waterday
5 +[) (] Earthday
6 +[) (] Restday
7 [) (] Soulday
8 [) (] Sunday Shooting star.
9 [) (]+ Windday
10 ) (]+ Fireday
11 ) (]+ Waterday
12 ) (]+ Earthday
13 ) (]+ Restday
14 - (]+ Soulday
15 - (]+ Sunday
16 - (]+ Windday Shooting star. Fireball.
17 ( (]+ Fireday Fireball. Comet discovered.
18 ( (]+ Waterday
19 ( (]+ Earthday
20 ( (]+ Restday Fireball.
21 (] (]+ Soulday Shooting star. Evening star. Aurora.
22 (] (]+ Sunday
23 (] (]+ Windday Shooting star.
24 (]+ (]+ Fireday
25 (]+ (]+ Waterday
26 (]+ (]+ Earthday Shooting star.
27 (]+ (]+ Restday
28 (+) (]+ Soulday
Autumn's Embrace
1 (+) (]+ Sunday
2 (+) (]+ Windday Shooting star.
3 +[) (]+ Fireday
4 +[) (+) Waterday Shooting star.
5 +[) (+) Earthday
6 +[) (+) Restday Eclipse of Hunter.
7 [) (+) Soulday Morning star.
8 [) (+) Sunday
9 [) (+) Windday
10 ) (+) Fireday
11 ) (+) Waterday
12 ) (+) Earthday
13 ) (+) Restday
14 - (+) Soulday Shooting star. Evening star.
15 - (+) Sunday First day of Autumn.
16 - (+) Windday
17 ( (+) Fireday
18 ( (+) Waterday Evening star.
19 ( (+) Earthday
20 ( (+) Restday
21 (] (+) Soulday Aurora.
22 (] (+) Sunday Meteor storm. Morning star.
23 (] (+) Windday
24 (]+ (+) Fireday Shooting star.
25 (]+ (+) Waterday Shooting star. Aurora.
26 (]+ (+) Earthday
27 (]+ +[) Restday Morning star.
28 (+) +[) Soulday
1 (+) +[) Sunday
2 (+) +[) Windday Shooting star.
3 +[) +[) Fireday
4 +[) +[) Waterday Fireball.
5 +[) +[) Earthday
6 +[) +[) Restday
7 [) +[) Soulday
8 [) +[) Sunday
9 [) +[) Windday
10 ) +[) Fireday
11 ) +[) Waterday
12 ) +[) Earthday
13 ) +[) Restday Shooting star.
14 - +[) Soulday Meteor storm.
15 - +[) Sunday
16 - +[) Windday
17 ( +[) Fireday
18 ( +[) Waterday
19 ( +[) Earthday
20 ( +[) Restday
21 (] +[) Soulday
22 (] [) Sunday
23 (] [) Windday
24 (]+ [) Fireday
25 (]+ [) Waterday
26 (]+ [) Earthday
27 (]+ [) Restday
28 (+) [) Soulday
Autumn's Decent
1 (+) [) Sunday
2 (+) [) Windday
3 +[) [) Fireday
4 +[) [) Waterday
5 +[) [) Earthday
6 +[) [) Restday
7 [) [) Soulday
8 [) [) Sunday Morning star.
9 [) [) Windday
10 ) [) Fireday
11 ) [) Waterday Shooting star.
12 ) [) Earthday Shooting star.
13 ) [) Restday Fireball.
14 - [) Soulday
15 - [) Sunday
16 - ) Windday
17 ( ) Fireday Morning star. Aurora.
18 ( ) Waterday
19 ( ) Earthday
20 ( ) Restday Fireball.
21 (] ) Soulday
22 (] ) Sunday
23 (] ) Windday Shooting star.
24 (]+ ) Fireday Shooting star.
25 (]+ ) Waterday
26 (]+ ) Earthday Fireball. Evening star.
27 (]+ ) Restday Shooting star. Morning star.
28 (+) ) Soulday
First Winter
1 (+) ) Sunday Meteor storm.
2 (+) ) Windday
3 +[) ) Fireday
4 +[) ) Waterday
5 +[) ) Earthday
6 +[) ) Restday
7 [) ) Soulday
8 [) ) Sunday
9 [) ) Windday
10 ) ) Fireday Shooting star.
11 ) - Waterday
12 ) - Earthday
13 ) - Restday
14 - - Soulday
15 - - Sunday
16 - - Windday
17 ( - Fireday
18 ( - Waterday
19 ( - Earthday
20 ( - Restday
21 (] - Soulday
22 (] - Sunday First day of Winter. Evening star.
23 (] - Windday
24 (]+ - Fireday Evening star. Aurora.
25 (]+ - Waterday
26 (]+ - Earthday
27 (]+ - Restday Aurora.
28 (+) - Soulday Morning star. Evening star.
Deep Winter
1 (+) - Sunday
2 (+) - Windday
3 +[) - Fireday
4 +[) - Waterday Evening star.
5 +[) - Earthday
6 +[) ( Restday
7 [) ( Soulday
8 [) ( Sunday Shooting star. Evening star.
9 [) ( Windday Comet disappears.
10 ) ( Fireday
11 ) ( Waterday Evening star.
12 ) ( Earthday
13 ) ( Restday
14 - ( Soulday
15 - ( Sunday
16 - ( Windday
17 ( ( Fireday
18 ( ( Waterday
19 ( ( Earthday
20 ( ( Restday
21 (] ( Soulday
22 (] ( Sunday
23 (] ( Windday
24 (]+ ( Fireday
25 (]+ ( Waterday Shooting star. Aurora.
26 (]+ ( Earthday Shooting star.
27 (]+ ( Restday Fireball.
28 (+) ( Soulday
The Bleakness
1 (+) (] Sunday
2 (+) (] Windday
3 +[) (] Fireday
4 +[) (] Waterday
5 +[) (] Earthday Shooting star. Evening star.
6 +[) (] Restday Morning star.
7 [) (] Soulday
8 [) (] Sunday
9 [) (] Windday
10 ) (] Fireday Shooting star.
11 ) (] Waterday
12 ) (] Earthday
13 ) (] Restday
14 - (] Soulday Shooting star.
15 - (] Sunday Morning star.
16 - (] Windday
17 ( (] Fireday
18 ( (] Waterday
19 ( (] Earthday
20 ( (] Restday
21 (] (] Soulday
22 (] (] Sunday
23 (] (]+ Windday
24 (]+ (]+ Fireday
25 (]+ (]+ Waterday
26 (]+ (]+ Earthday
27 (]+ (]+ Restday
28 (+) (]+ Soulday Meteor storm.
Year's End
1 (+) (]+ Sunday
2 (+) (]+ Windday Eclipse of Prey. Morning star. Solar eclipse.
3 +[) (]+ Fireday Shooting star.
4 +[) (]+ Waterday
5 +[) (]+ Earthday
6 +[) (]+ Restday Shooting star.
7 [) (]+ Soulday
8 [) (]+ Sunday
9 [) (]+ Windday
10 ) (]+ Fireday Evening star.
11 ) (]+ Waterday Shooting star.
12 ) (]+ Earthday Shooting star.
13 ) (]+ Restday
14 - (]+ Soulday
15 - (]+ Sunday
16 - (]+ Windday
17 ( (]+ Fireday
18 ( (+) Waterday Eclipse of Hunter.
19 ( (+) Earthday
20 ( (+) Restday Morning star.
21 (] (+) Soulday
22 (] (+) Sunday
23 (] (+) Windday
24 (]+ (+) Fireday
25 (]+ (+) Waterday
26 (]+ (+) Earthday Eclipse of Hunter. Shooting star.
27 (]+ (+) Restday Shooting star.
28 (+) (+) Soulday