Character Setup
Ability scores will be 4d6 reroll 1, take highest 3. Don't worry I have a preset Ability Roller on OpenRPG.
If you wish to build a character before the you may jump in immediately then you may design the character with a 75 points 1:1 starting from 0 in each ability. This means 13 in 3 abilities, and 12 in 3 abilities if divided equally.
Starting HP will be Max for 1st level and average for the rest. (Note that average means half.5, e.i. d10 HD yields a 5.5 average) This doesn't include con modifiers
Books allowed will be anything from WotC 3.5, if you want to prestidge class please ask to see if a 3.5 version isn't already there. (ie spellsword from sword and fist sucks compared to the Complete Warrior). Other d20 Books with my approval.
All new characters will start at Party Average -1. I also will allow higher ECL races, they will still start at 0 xp but will need to attain more xp for the next level. (Example a Teifling Rogue 1st level will need 3000xp to reach 2nd level to balance out the ECL) I've done this before and it works great.
Starting money will be Appropriate for starting levels
Alignments "should" somewhat work together. Lawful Good paladin with Chaotic Evil Necromancer should have a truly amazing story to work together, otherwise they will have to duke it out and the loser makes a new character... if they tie then they will have potato sack races everyday until a winner is decided.
No more than 6 members.
Interested players so far
Hador - Hador Garmann Human Fighter/Cleric
Jester_Uk - Gavin Human Hexblade
Geekling - Yrin Giddywinkle: Gnome Rogue/Spelltheif
Azezel - Zo: Human Illusionist
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