Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Hugo Johnson

The Scorcher Invasion left behind a trail of death, desctruction, rape and pillage. Among the remains was a small child, named Hugo by his mother Mary Johnson.As Hugo grew it quickly became obvious he was never going to be handsome, and the other children didn't want much to do with him. This left Hugo with a lot of time to himself, time which he spent exploring the woods around the village, learning the tracks of the animals, the plants, and the weather patterns.
At 17, with the death of his mother, Hugo left home for the last time, taking a few family heirlooms and some savings. Avoiding most of the last stages of the invasion, he was caught at the edges of a few skirmishes, collecting a few small items from the bodies of the dead, and learning a few things about the Orcs.Not far past his 19th birthday Hugo has ended up at Brindenford, where he's sold most of the loot, and is now looking for something to do with his life.


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