Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Yrin Giddywinkle

Yrin's Journal
Character Progression

Yrin had a fairly normal gnome childhood, or as normal as it gets in a town mixing with other races, spending most of her time in or around the bustling workshops of the renowned locksmith business the Giddywinkle clan had run for several generations in Brindenford. There was plenty of little jobs that suited well for the nimble fingers of the clan's youngsters to keep them out of trouble and help earn their keep while learning skills that would provide them with the basis for a good living later in life. Had it not been for the Scorcher invasion, she probably would have ended up, like most of her siblings, as the next generation running the family business. But in the latter part of her childhood, the news of the invasion started to filter in. She, like so many youngsters of that time got excited with that burning feeling of doing their bit for the war effort. So came the day when Yrin finally came of age. Her first action as an adult on the very morning of her 40'th birthday, was to join up with the Brindenford militia. After she had learnt how to operate a crossbow and shown at least some modest talent with this weapon. She was placed in a group of snipers operating from the rooftops as a part of the last defence, should the enemy breach the town's defences and enter the town itself. A task well suited for her small physique and natural agility. This group also attracted quite a few individuals used to sneaking around in the shadows with less than lawful intentions. In the camaraderie of a militia group in a town under attack, Yrin picked up a certain disregard to the concept of other people's property and a few useful contacts with some shady character. It wasn't long until her knack for defeating locks and other mechanical devices got her invited to a few "jobs" that required such skills. A career she has pursued ever since. Officially she's regarded as a bit of a black sheep of the family. Not enough on the wrong side of the law to be disowned, just young and fallen into the wrong crowd. In effect just enough to not endanger the respectable family business in the eyes of the authorities and law enforcement. Unofficially, the family redirects any even remotely slightly shady enquiries about opening strong-boxes of less that satisfying provenance or similar that may be brought up to her. The sort of jobs the respectable Giddywinkle-locksmiths never would officially be associated with.


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